Our Products
Innocule offers innovative products and services to mineral industries for enhancing their productivity and cost-effectiveness. Product offerings include dispersants, dewatering aids, flow aids, grinding aids and other specialty chemicals used for the upgradation and beneficiation of the minerals. Backed by extensive R&D efforts our innovative formulations are customized as per client’s raw material sources and their market requirement

(Grinding Aid)
This class of additives are used to improve the grinding efficiency of the ball mill that leads to improved mill output and decreased specific power requirement. These aids are specially developed for iron ore
pelletization plants with dry grinding process.Dry grinding is an inefficient operation, use of Grinex helps to reduce grinding power consumption by upto 10%.

(Beneficiation Aid)
This product is used in the beneficiation process of low-grade iron/manganese/chromites ores. Major benefit of its addition is improved recovery of metal value and reduced mineral losses in tailing. In case of washing operations, it ensures reduced content of silica and alumina in the washed ore. A lowered value of alumina and silica has tremendous operational and energy benefits.

(Filter Aid)
FAM is useful in beneficiation plants where filtration is used as a dewatering operation for concentrate/tailing slurry. These filter aids not only give better cake tonnage but also reduces moisture content in cake. Use of FAM will translate better pellet quality, improved handling of filter cake and reduced fuel consumption.

(Flow Aid)
Oreflo is used to reduce operational difficulties and shutdown time caused by stickiness of the raw materials due to presence of moisture, mainly in rainy season. Its addition improves handling of minerals by enhancing the flowability and gives better screening efficiency.

(Dust Supressant)
These are specialty chemicals which absorbs moisture and allows small dust particles to combine and increase in size, making them less prone to become airborne. It prevents water consumption for dust control on a regular basis and control dust in mining haul roads, mineral piles, and conveyor transfer points.

(Additive for Coke Making)
This product is used for improving coke quality in coke oven. It ensures better coke strength after reaction (CSR) and coke reactivity Index (CRI) .
This can also be used in coal briquetting.

(Additive for coal bulk density improvement)
These are specialty chemicals which helps to improve the bulk density of coking coal prior to coke making. By using this additive , coke quality and production can be enhanced .

(Dephosphorization agent)
These are specialty chemicals which helps in the maximum removal of phosphorous in steel making . By using these , most of the phosphorous in raw materials reports to slag phase and desired steel with low phosphorous can be produced .

(Sinter Aid)
These are specialty chemicals that helps in better granulation during wet mix before sintering. It also reduces sinter fines generation and coke consumption in sintering process.

(Fire inhibiting for coal)
Fire-X is a liquid chemical which blocks the active sites of coal and create a thin layer on the surface of the coal to prevent the contact of oxygen with coal which leads to the blockage of various reactive group to form hydrocarbon radicals and eliminate further exothermic reactions.